
I taught to a broad panel of students from 1st year to the equivalent of Master's degree, mainly in Biologiy. The approched themes were: biology, ecology and behavioural ecology. I aslo supervised the research portion of a Master' degree student (subject elaboration, experiment supervision, manuscript revision and oral prepapration).

Curently, I'm a Teaching Assistant at the University of Sheffield. I have Lectures, practicals and tutorials in ecology, behavioural ecology and biology for Level 1 to Level 3 students.

Teaching experience:
University of Sheffield (Department of Animal and Plant Sciences):

Lecture Series:
- 6h Insects Societies – Level 3 Biology
Why Study Social Insects
The Individual
The Society
Division of Labour
Biodiversity and Systematics

Practical courses:
- 9h – Level 1 Biology
Sex Ratio and Composition
Estimating Population Sizes
Seed Eating in Finches

- 6h – Level 2 Biology
Butterfly Conservation
Bee communication and foraging

Tutorial courses:
-5h -1 group of 5 Level 1 students in Biology
-5h -1 group of 5 Level 2 students in Biology

University of Tours:

Lecture Series:
Lecture series in Behavioural Ecology (Animal societies), Bachelor's degree in Biology, (5 h).
Lecture series in Zoology (Molluscs), 1st year in Geology (4 h).

Practical courses:
Practical courses in Behavioural ecology, Master’s degree in Biology (106 h).
Practical courses in Behavioural ecology, Bachelor's degree in Biology (68 h).

Practical courses in Behavioural neurosciences, Bachelor’s degree in Psychology (25 h).

Practical courses in Ethology, 1st year in Biology (60 h).

Practical courses in Zoology (Cnidaria and Insects), 1st year in Geology (12 h).

Practical courses in Histopathology, 1st year in Biology and Biochemistry analysis (26 h).

Practical courses in Biology, 1st year in Psychology (30 h).

Student supervising :

- 2004 - 2005 : Supervising of a Master's degree student in Population biology: "Reproductive behavioural study of the ant Cardiocondyla elegans"


Update: 16/03/07